Digital Marketing and Communication Specialist at Digital Agency Corporation - Shinjuku, ,
Want to start new business in Japan?Digital Agency is here to help you! We deliver digital marketing solutions for Japan and Asia with cutting-edge technology and information. We have been providing marketing services regarding production, operation and analysis of about 400 companies' Web sites for around 25 years. With the help of our experienced professional team, we are currently providing the following three main services:1. Marketing Service - For your sales and marketing through our web design and development, web consulting and digital marketing services.2. Sales Support - By delivering sales lead generation analytics to support each phase of your sales process.3. Business Support - For establishment of corporation, market entree support including, law office and tax accountant office, real estate and recruitment.MissionOur mission is to support foreign enterprises and companies to establish a successful business foundation in the current Japanese market.Motto"The Creation of a thousand forest is in one acorn"In other words: Even the smallest thing can grow to be great. We all need to try something first in reality to achieve what we want. So, don't afraid for the risk and start your business today with our help in Japan!