Civic & Social Organization - Royal Oak, Michigan, United States
A 1 hour weekly, coffee-fueled, virtual community presentation by an early-stage entrepreneur. Join us in-person the 2nd Wed monthly at the Office Coffee Shop and get a coffee on us!Each week, the 1MC Metro Detroit (previously named Oakland County) chapter offers up to two early-stage entrepreneurs an opportunity to present their startups to a diverse audience of mentors, advisors, and entrepreneurs. Participants prepare a 6 minute educational presentation and engage in 20 minutes of feedback and questioning after they showcase their business with a live audience. Entrepreneurs gain insight into possible ways they can improve their businesses, gather realtime feedback, connect with a community that truly cares about their progress, and walk away feeling like they have advanced their business. The audience also learns a great deal from the presentations. Whether this is through passively listening or deeply engaging with the entrepreneurs, there is much to learn every week from these dynamic and diverse communities. We have a very simple application process if YOU would like present your own business in our community. What can our community do for you?