Civic & Social Organization - , Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, Indonesia
100% Manusia (100% Human) aims to facilitate the changes in our society, raising awareness and support human empowerment for a better future. The 100% Manusia committee is powered by voluntary works carried out by highly skilled and dedicated individuals from diverse religious, ethnic, education, and professional backgrounds. These goodhearted volunteers are determined to assemble a medium, space, and platform where people can receive information, learn, and share their experiences related to diversity through arts within a positive environment of the uprising creative industry of Indonesia.100% MANUSIA FILM FESTIVAL is a film festival which prioritises issues in human rights, diversity, encompassing gender and HIV/AIDS. This film festival aims to promote awareness on a wide range of these issues and create platforms of opening, sharing and exchanging creativities. We believe in unboxing all individuals from labels, stereotypes, prejudices, and negative stigmas. Our first film festival is held from September 22nd to October 1st, 2017.