Online Media - , ,
#18DaysInEgypt is a crowd-sourced documentary of the events from #jan25 to #feb11. We will craft a documentary of the Egyptian revolution using your footage.Tag your media in Twitter, YouTube and Flickr with the following tags: #18DaysInEgypt+ the day it occurred: #jan25, #jan26, #jan27....#feb11+ where it occurred: #tahrir, #heliopolis, #alexandria, #suez, #ndpbuilding+ and other relevant tags about the footage : #army, #singing, #violence, #tents, #protestTagging the media will allow us to find you through search...just that simple!For now, you can tag your videos on YouTube and photos on Flickr. In the coming days we will have a url uploader to capture links to your tweets and media on other platforms. We are also working on functionality so you can send us your SMS text and MMS photos/videos.
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