Entertainment - Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Since 2004 we have found, developed and promoted emerging writers, actors and producers from across the UK and provided tailored support as they created innovative and vibrant new theatre for new audiences.Our production model was designed to empower the artist. In providing the venues and marketing we created a safe production environment and so released artists to focus on the quality of the product, encouraging excellence and building confidence. Participants shared resources, developing their own potential to collaborate with the other artists they met with the hope of self generating work in the future.Professional arts events require skilled people to manage them. We believe that practical experience is the most effective way to create multi-skilled arts leaders and through volunteering opportunities, placements and short-term contracts we sought to offer a professional training ground to the arts leaders of the future, passing on our knowledge, expertise and aspiration.In presenting only original voices in non-theatre spaces, we opened the door to a new audience who are more willing to engage with a new arts experience. Many who came in once returned the following year.In summary: at 24:7 new voices, new faces and new audiences met to create a Festival of inspiring new talent.
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