- Santo Domingo, Distrito Nacional, Dominican Republic
2SOMOS1 is a solar powered mobile cinema that brings the experience of an outdoor cinema to rural underserved communities in the Dominican Republic and Haiti.In order to create a social and cultural impact, documentary film screenings will be organised and coordinated along with short documentary production workshops, to help these communities build a better sense of self. The itinerant screenings of these works will be windows to promote fellowship and better understanding between Haitian and Dominican communities and stress the importance of the ecologic recovery of the entire territory.2 DEVICES • 1 PURPOSESCREENINGSScreenings will happen outdoors or indoors, in parks, public squares, baseball fields, basketball courts. We focus on films that reflect on current and relevant issues for the communities, with a special focus on ecologic documentaries.Our curated documentaries will touch themes pertinent to these fragile communities.We seek to create consciousness about ecology, food, nutrition, sexual education, human rights, and gender equality.DOCUMENTARY & ECO WORKSHOPSAt each venue, documentary filmmaking workshops will be imparted: "Filmed Point of View" for adults and "VideoLetters" for kids. The participants will have the opportunity to tell their stories, rediscover their surroundings through the lens, and make the big screen a true mirror of their reality and context.Films will be shot on easy access equipment or mobile phones.We will provide very basic editing tools, more accesible to these communities.Films shot in each community will be screened on the closing night. The best films will be screened in other communities.Eco Workshops will cover different aspects regarding permaculture, alternative culture, agro-ecological design, ecological consciousness, waste reduction, recycling and organic farming.