Health, Wellness & Fitness - Escondido, California, United States
The pursuit to design a truly innovative toothbrush was driven by product developer, Ken Hegemann's (CEO of HydraBrush, Inc.) personal dental concerns. He was determined to find a way to defeat his periodontal disease. Extensive research determined that the most defining factor in the development of periodontal disease was improper home care. Essentially, the method most people used when brushing their teeth was ineffective because of basic human error and inability to simulate brushing taught by their dentist. Based on this discovery, Hegemann's development goal was to replace the flawed technique with a truly error free approach to brushing, resulting in clean, healthy teeth and gums. His vision was realized with the emergence of the only fully automatic/self-positioning toothbrush on the market today. As a note of interest, Hegemann has been able to successfully eliminate all traces of his periodontal disease by using 30 Second Smile.The toothbrush can be considered one of man's first innovations. History shows the evolution of the toothbrush has gained tremendous strides cosmetically but not functionally. Presently, most mass produced toothbrushes all have the same single-headed brush design. True, there are sonic brushes, rotational brushes, and a multitude of other electric toothbrushes, but they all rely on the user to actually use them properly and brush for two or three minutes with correct positioning and action. In fact, several companies have recently come out with what they refer to as "Smart Brushes" because they have sensors to tell the user if they are using the brush properly. That actually proves that current single headed brushes are flawed. People often brush inaccurately or negligently; therefore they need lights and digital feedback to guide them during brushing. What all of these brushes fail to do is eliminate basic human error.
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