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31abc是由上海号星互联网科技有限公司的创办的一家在线英语学习网站,上线运营不到1年时间已获得天使轮融资。团队成员包括前中国联通高管、国际语言学校校长、来自全球各大名校的高材生和阿里系的互联网大咖们。我们拥有丰富的互联网经验和青少儿英语教学经验,专注为5-12岁左右的小朋友提供100%纯英美外教在线英语学习交流体验。我们致力通过31abc这一平台,让中国小朋友在家就可以同来自英美的外教自信交流,充分给予最纯正,最有趣,最互动的侵入式学习体验31ABC is a typical K12 English online training company under Shanghai Haoxing Internet technology co., Ltd. We offer 1 to 1 and 1 to 2 online English classes to children from age 5 to 12. 31ABC is committed to be the most responsible online educator for children, providing the best platform for millions of children to learn a better English and help them to be the world citizen.
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