Renewables & Environment - , ,
3BL employs people in developing countries to collect plastic bottles that otherwise accumulate in streets or open waste dumps where they can create breading grounds for disease. These bottles are processed into recycled plastic pellets and ultimately manufactured into contemporary corporate and education furniture. When a company purchases 3BL furniture, they not only benefit from stylish and functional furniture, they also directly address two of the most pressing issues facing the world today: poverty and the devastation of our environment. The plastic bottle collection process assists some of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people to break an otherwise perpetual cycle of poverty by giving them access to a regular income, vocational training and ongoing support. Additionally, furniture made from recycled materials uses 85% fewer resources than similar products made from virgin materials. For example, using 3BL furniture to seat 200 office staff saves the equivalent of 54,000 plastic bottles from devastating the environment OR, broken down, 378,000 liters of water and 5400 liters of oil.