Writing & Editing - , ,
What if there were a group of like-minded, successful, ambitious-to-change-the-world people from very different backgrounds brought together to help each other further our ideas? 40 under 40 is just such a group designed for maximum cross-pollination. Creativity is the bringing together of two thoughts that have never been put together after all. This independent platform of entrepreneurs, writers, coders, musicians, whiz kids, artists, architects, mavericks and physicians will gather for the first time in 2013.. The rules? We plan to meet four times per year. You should aim to attend at least twice. One of those times you will present your latest idea in just 4 minutes (along with 9 other presenters). The rest of the evening will break us into small groups where the other attendees focus on helping the presenter at the table over fantastic food and wine. When you turn 40, you're off the invite list but you can nominate a new under 40 to take your place.
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