Medical Equipment - Carlton, Victoria, AU
Despite our rapidly increasing understanding of lung disease, our ability for effective treatments is critically limited by the lack of sophistication previously applied to measuring lung function in a regional manner. Nearly all lung pathologies are associated at the onset of disease with subtle, significant and regional changes in airflow due to changes in tissue compliance and/or resistance. However, the current gold standard diagnostics can only measure pulmonary capacity as an average over the entire lung. As a result, a diagnosis can often come too late because for a loss of lung function to even be measurable, the disease must be well-advanced. Now, for the first time in medical history, the capacity to simply, safely and effectively view and measure regional lung function is here. We are 4DMedical - the medical technology company responsible for the XV Lung Ventilation Analysis Software - the breakthrough lung imaging technology that quantitatively measures the patterns of regional lung function in a four-dimensional and highly visual manner.
Route 53
WP Engine
Microsoft Office 365
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