Apparel & Fashion - Calvin, Oklahoma, United States
Our company was founded May 1st, 2017 by Jacob Rippee who had the idea to recreate mythological and historical stories in art form while trying to remain true to their literal counter part. While sometimes subtle things such as the color of something is changed due to colors clashing, we pride ourselves in bringing one of the most accurate representations to each design as possible! What started out as an idea for a Norse Mythology clothing brand quickly expanded to many diverse and cultural mythologies. With many more mythologies planned to be introduced in the future while we continue to strive to add more designs in each one! Each design is meticulously thought out and planned to add as much detail as possible to give justice to each character and scene. It is our hopes to keep these stories alive till the end of time. To help tell the stories of these amazing legends every shirt comes with what we like to call a "Lore Card," a descriptive card that describes the scene and tells you more about the God, Hero, or Monster!
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