Sports - Stoke-on-Trent, England, United Kingdom
Amateur2Professional is a trading name of A2P Coaching LTD, we are a bespoke sports coaching company for 6+ based in North & West Midlands. We understand that everyone learns & understands things in different ways & at different speeds, that's why our player-centred philosophy is so unique and successful, why train & learn all on the same journey? When you can have your own journey tailored specifically to your needs. We believe in the ‘thinking player' all our sessions are designed to not just coach football but to educate you about the game, allowing us to create Clever, Intelligent, Skilled players who can adapt to many ways of playing football. It doesn't matter if your Small, Tall or slow if your 1, 2 steps ahead of the opponents they will never catch you.We are the biggest feeder to Professional Clubs in the area, with 7 Players signed in the last 12 months, our methods & tailored sessions are leading the way for young players to develop and enjoy the game we love. We are not here to babysit or to coach playground games with a football. We're here to develop, motivate & inspire the next generation of professional players.Unlike other organisations and clubs, we do not sell you the dream, we will not turn you into a professional football, we will give you everything you need, but YOU'RE the one who turns yourself into a pro footballer, with your effort, attitude and passion to become the best you can be.All our sessions allow all children to improve their technical skill, footballing brain, footwork, ball control, Plus some important life skill such as;