Higher Education - , ,
A5 Competence Evolution is an accredited corporate training provider who ensures that our clients' effectively develop their workforce with the identified and required skills. Contact us on enquiry@a5ce.co.za to see how this is ACHIEVED.A5 Competence Evolution is a training service provider accredited with the Education and Training Development Practitioner Sector Education Training Authority (ETDPSETA). Our accreditation No. is ETDP10728. We have a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Services SETA.A5 Competence Evolution ensures compliance with SETQAA, assisting clients to develop the identified and required skills of their workforce effectively.Our VisionA5 Competence Evolution aims to offer service excellence and ensure compliance with SETQAA, assisting clients to develop the identified and required skills of their workforce in the most effective way.We strive to enhance, uplift and continuously improve the quality of our Education and Training products and services with the commitment of always: "Serving the Learner" Our MissionA5 Competence Evolution is committed to a culture of Service Excellence.This mission is accomplished through application of best practice policies and procedures throughout all functions of the organisation.The Nucleus of our Service Excellence is our Learners.Our Motto Is Our Key:Analyse your AttitudeApply your AmbitionACHIEVEYour ATTITUDE determines the state of the world you live in. It is the foundation for every success and every failure you have had and will have.We therefore ANALYSE our ATTITUDES in order to create and APPLY our AMBITIONS. AMBITION is the determination to ACHIEVE.Without AMBITION, we have no desire to ACHIEVE. To ACHIEVE we need to plan with a purpose – apply our AMBITION.
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