Human Resources - , ,
AB Resumes has been working in the Employment Industry and Disability Sector for 14 years viewing and designing many thousands of Resumes/CV's. We have developed a Virtual Resume Product to assist people to build their Resumes with ease, as it is the main tool that is required to support people to obtain sustainable, gainful employment.We specialise in Mining & Civil, Trades, Banking, Hospitality and Community Services and 36 other industry types.The benefits are simple with it being a Virtual Automated Website, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3. It is simple to use, and it is just a matter of you typing in your personal details, selecting professionally written automated phrases at the click of the mouse, then Print. The Student Resume is $49 and Professional Resume $129. Self editing is $5 and all versions are archived in your personal folder. We offer professional formatting and Application, Follow Up, Thank You and Resignation letters as well.We are excited about the prospect of being able to offer assistance, and be able to assist people further in gaining employment. Our template is highly successful, and has been proven to work over and over again throughout the 14 years we have been in the Employment Industry.SincerelyAB Resumes Pty Ltd (ACN: 160 420 708)