- Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa
"A journey of a thousand miles begins beneathone's feet" Lau Tza.Rather than emphasizing the first step, Lau Tzaregarded action as something, however long andcomplicated an endeavour it might be, starting isalways by far the hardest.Our journey has just started with the incorporation ofAbelusi investment Corporation (PTY) Ltd.Structured with a specific goal in mind, to createWEALTH through cryptic connections of multi-levelyoung professionals from varied backgrounds.Through smart investing practices and prudent riskmanagement strategies, we intend to harness internaland external resources to create shareholder value overthe long term. Young black persons have an opportunityto change their narrative from a consumptive approachto a more sustainable growth oriented approach. Natureexcels through simple principles of working in numbers casein point the ants have strength in numbers, wesmarter than them."…Ants have strength in numbers, we smarter than them"Join us on this epic journey as we work Together So EachAchieve Much #T.E.A.M