Machinery - Almaty, Almaty Province, Kazakhstan
ABICOR BINZEL CENTRAL ASIA LLP is a 100% subsidiary of the ABICOR BINZEL group of companies in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region. The purpose of opening the company and creating a wholesale warehouse in Almaty in April 2012 was to ensure an operational regional presence, technical support for ABICOR BINZEL dealers in Kazakhstan and the Central Asia region, and to create a base for servicing the supplied welding equipment. ABICOR BINZEL is a leading global manufacturer of welding equipment components. The ABICOR BINZEL group of companies was created on the basis of the company Alexander Binzel Schweißtechnik GmbH & Co.KG, Giessen (Germany), (founded in 1945). In the early 1990s, a well-known manufacturer in Eastern Europe and the CIS joined the group welding torches and accessories - Kurt Haufe Schweißtechnik GmbH & Co. KG (founded since 1939), Dresden (Germany). ABICOR BINZEL today: in more than 50 countries around the world, the ABICOR BINZEL group is represented by more than 30 subsidiaries and more than 20 exclusive partners providing delivery and support of products in their regions.