Marketing & Advertising - Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Academium is a marketing and advertising agency working exclusively in the Higher and Further Education sector. Born out of agencies that had a proud tradition of excellent service to education clients, we combine years' worth of education marketing experience – gained through working closely with over 30 UK education institutions – with an understanding of both the rapidly changing media landscape and the constantly evolving, increasingly global education marketplace. We specialise in planning and delivering UK and International brand awareness and student recruitment campaigns using evidence-based approaches to campaign strategy and with a strong focus on ROI, metrics and conversions. Talk to us about: Search Engine Marketing - Google Adwords Certified Partner, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Naver and Baidu Search Engine Optimisation - retained SEO consultancy services for FHE Campaign Analytics - Google Analytics and Prolytics reporting and conversion tools Undergraduate & Schools Market Analysis - Datafiltr undergraduate / schools market analysis tool Social & Mobile Engagement - Apps for conversion and engagement Campaign Planning - attraction campaigns for every market Our specialist services for China include web design, copywriting, market research, Baidu search campaigns, outsourced social media management (QQ, RenRen, Weibo) and consultancy.
123-reg DNS
Google Apps
Amazon AWS