Nonprofit Organization Management - Pereira, Risaralda Department, Colombia
ACCION VOLUNTARIA - PEREIRA started in March 2017, as an environmental volunteering group of foreigners who live in the city of Pereira, Colombia and became an environmental NGO in 2018. Participants of the group were and are young foreigners that live and work in the country as English teachers, and in their free time are trying to leave a good environmental footprint to this wonderful country called Colombia. Up to now, volunteers from more than 15 countries have participated in our activities including; Canada, USA, England, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, India, S. Korea etc. The main activities of our NGO include:▪ Promoting volunteering as a lifestyle through our environmental activities. ▪ Promoting multiculturalism and bilingualism to local community and Colombian students. ▪ Organizing environmental activities in urban sectors that focus on: a) tree-planting, b) solid waste collection and c) embellishment of green urban areas.▪ Developing material/events/projects that focus on environmental education. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ACCION VOLUNTARIA - PEREIRA nació el marzo de 2017 en la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia como un grupo ambiental de voluntarios extranjeros y se volvió en ONG ambiental un año despues. Los miembros del grupo son extranjeros que viven en Colombia enseñando ingles en colegios, y dedican un poco de su tiempo libre para dejar una buena huella ambiental en el pais de Colombia. Hasta el momento, han participado en nuestras acciones voluntarios de mas que 15 paises. Las principales actividades de la NGO incluyen:▪ Promover el trabajo voluntario▪ Promover la multiculturalidad y el bilinguismo▪ Realizar actividades voluntarias como siembra de arboles, recoleccion de residuos y embellecimiento de zonas verdes▪ Desarrollar material/eventos/proyectos enfocados en la educacion ambiental.