Concrete/Cement - Barrie, ON, US
Our production methods are to exacting standards. Our technology updates are constant and we operate the newest and most well equipped glass fabrication equipment in Ontario. Our glass is fabricated in clean and safe environment. In 2017 we are proud to say we are growing, buying new state of the art equipment to produce the highest quality product to the most exacting standards in Ontario.Accurate Glass roots date back to 1969. Historical accounts tell us a local glass tradesman, Wayne Earl operated a Midhurst based business, Lancer Glass. Accurate's founder, Shawn Monaghan performed subcontract work for Wayne into the 1980s and eventually took over the very same number (705) 722-6767 that you can reach us on today. We grew from one truck and a polisher to produce the highly precise product and organized service we provide today. After 30 years in the industry Shawn decided to grow once again by taking on the Vinelight Capital Partnership to invest in increased efficiency, longer production hours and precise accuracy in production. Accurate's production tracking, delivery and equipment has been updated to latest standards. Glass orders are received in all formats and handled by well equip and experienced staff and highly skilled technicians. Our client support staff is here to help you in courteous, professional and friendly manner. We serve the Glass Installation community with an excellent product, focused product offering, and excellent, personal service. If you install, buy, or project plan tempered glass products and demand precise cuts and excellent service, give us a call today, WE ARE CALLED ACCURATE GLASS FOR A REASON.
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