Architecture & Planning - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Ace of Architecture Club is a non-profit organization and platform for architectural learning and resource sharing founded at the University of Toronto. As the passionate gathering of a group of architecture lovers, this platform will launch a series of information conferences, professional workshops, WeChat official account article publications, research forums, and architectural design competition team-up opportunities. The establishment of this platform aims to strengthen students' connections with the professional community, enhance the informational transparency among the student body, and stimulate greater goals for future architectural development.This platform has been planned and well-developed since 2018 among the Chinese Architectural students' community by bringing a stronger connection between the upper-years and the newly arrived students. From 2018 to 2021, this platform has set up numerous study workshops and countless information-sharing events that truly has helped hundreds of students improve their professional skills and acquire information on stream and grad school application. In 2020, AOA launched a WeChat official account under the same name as Ace of Architecture to overcome the physical restriction due to the pandemics and has brought an even greater student community together with the same objective. The WeChat account has published various articles about faculty introduction, professional interviews, undergrad study planning tips, and students' research projects. Their future plan involves activities such as architectural design competitions, case study research, and academic forums between schools. Their projected vision embraces the active participation of a larger student body and the notion which resembles one of the Architectural Association.