Nonprofit Organization Management - San Diego, California, United States
Acirfa (a.ker.fa) exists to raise awareness and directly support start-up bicycle social enterprises in developing countries with capital and professional consultancy until sustainability is attained.The first bicycle social enterprise started by Acirfa, called ZamBikes is located in Zambia, in the Southern Africa region. To date, Acirfa affiliates have distributed more than 2,000 bikes and over 400 bicycle trailers and Zambulances (bike ambulance trailers) to regions in and around Zambia. They have been internationally recognized for their work in Zambia by the BBC, NPR and NBC networks. In addition to providing bicycles, Acirfa's bicycle social enterprises provide jobs, training and mentorship to their employees.Acirfa aims to serve the poorest of the poor who are often living on less than $2 a day. In order to overcome the mind-set of poverty, Acirfa's affiliates offer a hand up, not a handout, to their bicycle recipients through partnerships and microfinance opportunities.
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