Personal Services - Tusket, NS, CA
Acker & Doucette Surveying Inc. has two locations to serve you in Yarmouth, Shelburne, and Digby Counties. Our team specializes in Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering combined with Cadastral Land Surveying. Acker & Doucette has a staff compliment of three registered Nova Scotia Land Surveyors, two Professional Engineers, Survey Technologists & Technicians. Acker & Doucette has acquired survey records from Gerald A. Pottier, N.S.L.S.#394, Ronald C. Dearman, N.S.L.S.#317, Peter Boutilier, P.L.S., and Everett B. Hall, N.S.L.S. #323 (Shelburne and Yarmouth Counties).
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