Management Consulting - Aarhus, Central Denmark Region, Denmark
ACT! arbejder med fiktion som læringsredskab og benytter kreative metoder til virksomhedsudvikling, lederudvikling og personaleudvikling. Hos ACT! tager vi udgangspunkt i en systemisk og anerkendende tilgang og vi udarbejder alle forløb i tæt samarbejde med din virksomhed. Vi lægger vægt på at sætte relationerne mellem mennesker i spil - det er en forudsætning for succes, når det handler om forandringer. ACT! benytter ofte erhvervsskuespillere til træning af ny adfærd blandt ledere og medarbejdere. -------------------------------- ACT! works with corporate training, communications, leadership training and development as well as training of employees. We work with interactive communication and development of personal skills using fiction, roles, and theatre techniques. Through creative practice and theory we aim to solve everyday work problems and to open the doors for change and new behavioural patterns. We work with the laboratory as a metaphor, where investigation is the key. We can help you implementing your business strategy concerning culture change and communication skills involving all levels of your organization in its execution implementing your strategy into the daily work changing the behavior of leaders and employees to get the wanted results
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