Management Consulting - Bulleen, N/A, AU
Activetics supports organisations in providing cost effective solutions to challenges driven by an ageing workforce. Ageing of populations and workforces is a megatrend. The retirement age is increasing andmature age employees are staying at work longer. These shifts are unprecedented and posechallenges for employers who are generally not prepared or equipped to deal with these emergingtrends.Our approach involves high level interviews with senior management, policy review, workforce analysis, and the presentation of a mature age business strategy to executive teams. For many employers, this is a knowledge/capability risk mitigation strategy. Our Changing Gears program is an integral element in this process providing mature age employees with an opportunity to review and discuss life stage issues ina trusted, "safe" environment. The process provides the employer with valuable data on theattitudes and expectations of their mature age cohort towards work, transitions and retirement. Thefinancial issues are an essential element in the process, however, this differs from traditional superfund member education programs (e.g. readiness for retirement) as it provides a business contextfor interventions.Changing Gears is a ‘holistic' framework delivered by experienced mature age coaches/consultants.The workshop/coaching model has shown to create a "mind shift" with participants. It leads toparticipants contemplating their life stage and working towards transitions with the guidance ofexperienced, empathetic coaches. The value of human interaction and guidance that occurs duringthis process cannot be understated.