Professional Services software - Overland Park, KS, US
For more than 35 years, prelicensing candidates have trusted A.D. Banker & Company to provide the information needed to pass insurance and securities licensing exams. We cross-reference all courses with the exam provider content outline to assure candidates receive what they need to know, and our high quality learning design produces outstanding results for Life & Health, Property & Casualty, and Securities exams.We present our content using methods that apply to all of the different modes of learning, with courses delivered in the classroom, in our online courses, webinars, and On Demand Video Lectures. And with our numerous print, audio and video learning tools, we increase and reinforce student learning and retention. As students progress through the material, our knowledgeable customer care department provides friendly, responsive support in an effort to make the road to licensure all the smoother.Once licensed, producers can meet their Continuing Education requirements in all states using our online classes and webinars while meeting product-specific requirements.
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