Fund-raising - , ,
Adam`s Victory Fund is Canadian based organization committed to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research with the help of our dedicated volunteers and donors in Canada and around the world. We are a registered organization with the Sick Kids Foundation Toronto Canada and we are proud to be the partner of Sick Kids Foundation's Childhood Cancer Programme by joining hand together to fight against this terrible disease and find the cure through research.As many children's around the world die because of lack of awareness, because many are unaware about even if the child has cancer or not, Adams Victory Fund aims to increase public awareness. We do this by arranging many events around the year in Canada and Pakistan, which includes dinners, door to door campaigns and awareness sessions in colleges and universities. Our awareness sessions and campaigns have large audience, many doctors participate in these events they brief the participants on symptoms of cancer and how it can be prevented.Some of childhood cancers can be cured by effective treatment – but global statistics revealed a shocking disparity that in developed countries, around 80% of children with cancer survive, but in low resource settings this figure falls to 15 % in the world's poorest countries, where it is difficult to gain access to information, early diagnosis, care and treatment.In North America alone approximately 12,000 kids are diagnosed every year, more than 100,000 children battle the disease at any one time in Canada and USA , every day about 4 families in Canada alone are told their child has cancer .
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