Advertising/Marketing/PR - Calgary, AB, CA
If you own an HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Roofing or any other Home Service-based business, this Marketing Membership is ideal.The Membership includes:* High Converting Website (exceeding 15% conversion rates)* Branded Videos for use on your Social Media and YouTube Ads* Ongoing Marketing Direction and Strategy* Monthly Reporting, Quarter & Annual Marketing Audits and Tracking Review* Access to our other Marketing Services designed for Home Service BusinessesAdditional Marketing Services:* SEO* Google Paid Ads* Local Service Ads / Google Guaranteed* Local Thought Leadership / Expertise Positioning* Digital Branding: Display Ads, YouTude Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads* Custom Graphic Design* Custom Content Creation* Custom Social Media Management - coming soonApply to become a Member Today!
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Google Font API
Google Tag Manager
Google Apps
CloudFlare Hosting