Individual & Family Services - Springfield, Virginia, US
AFGC was a mental health and human services provider of treatment foster care, intensive in-home and outpatient counseling services. Nationally accredited, AFGC has been providing high quality treatment to children, adolescents, individuals, couples and families in Northern Virginia since 1997. As of November 21, 2016, Youth For Tomorrow (YFT), which has served children, adolescents and families in crisis throughout the State of Virginia and across the nation since 1986, has acquired Fairfax County-based Adolescent and Family Growth Center (AFGC). Dr. Gary L. Jones, CEO of Youth For Tomorrow remarks, “With this acquisition, YFT adds a vital component to its current continuum of diverse services to children and families in crisis which will now include foster care, therapeutic foster care and expanded services for Intensive In-Home Counseling. These services will now be offered through our new Fairfax Co. office located on 6800 Backlick Road in Springfield. ” For additional information, please visit