Other - Houston, TX, US
Adore Ministries is a grassroots ministry centered on knowing, loving and serving God.Vision: Adore ministries envisions lives, and indeed churches, renewed through people worshiping God with their whole lives through knowing, loving and serving God in the ordinary and extraordinary. We accomplish this in moments, with movement, for mission.InMOMENTS: Adore Ministries is about providing people with the opportunity to experience Jesus in life changing moments so that their lives can radiate His glory for all eternity. From city-wide worship nights, to conferences, to retreats and home gatherings, we at Adore Ministries invite people to experience the Risen Lord in new and powerful ways. withMOVEMENT: This is a lived love fostered with intentional community. The particular way we live this out as Adore Ministries is through the "Family Dinner movement". This movement is built upon fostering an evangelistic community in which brotherly and neighborly love can be lived out in an authentic way in intentional community. Another integral part of this is lived through following our rule of life, a general blue print of the expectations of adore missionaries and community. Do you know your neighbors?forMISSION: This is lived by going radically out to the margins. This is the missional component of Adore Ministries and serves by going specifically to those parishes and neighborhoods in need of quality evangelization. This also includes activating Project Starfish, our disaster relief effort for when crisis devastates one of our mission communities.
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