Research - Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland
Manufacturing engineering deals with the transformation of raw materials into useful products. It forms the basis for employment and prosperity in many developed countries.Nowadays, innovations in manufacturing engineering are driven by global challenges such as scarcity of resources and climate change on the one hand and technological drivers such as digitalization, robotics, and artificial intelligence on the other hand.Future manufacturing processes will need to overcome the main limitations that still exist today. From an economical point of view, the dependence of the cost per part on the part complexity, production quantity and the degree of individualization needs to be minimized. At the same time, the environmental impact, especially CO2 emissions, need to be avoided.Under the motto "reinventing manufacturing", the Advanced Manufacturing Lab at ETH Zurich develops new manufacturing technologies that overcome the limitations of today's processes. Our group focuses on technologies for the processing of metallic materials and develops processes and process chains along the entire value chain, with a focus on additive and hybrid manufacturing processes and advanced process control.