Electronics - Woolwich, ENG, UK
Advantech GPEG is a very different provider of display solutions. We recognise that a product's "face" is the most important element that drives a customer's purchasing decision. Sight and touch are THE primary senses that inform our actions and opinions. Creating that perfect face is a blend of styling and ergonomics combined with mechanical, electrical and software deployment.What makes us different?We manufacture in-house in China and South Korea, giving you huge advantages in quality, control and cost.We deploy real engineering talent in hardware, software and mechanical design on your doorstep, wherever you are situated, shortening the design cycle and delivering a more compelling product.We have huge know-how and intellectual property in our processes and design and continue to invest in IPR ensuring we deliver substantial differentation to our customers' designs.This is supported by the many strengths of a global leader in embedded and industrial computing following our merger with Advantech.
DNS Made Easy
Microsoft Office 365