Legal Services - Saanich, British Columbia, Canada
Real Legal Answers from Real Lawyers AdviceScene was started in 2009 by Nancy Kinney, a UVic Law grad. She felt it was unfair that everyone didn't have access to the legal education she was getting in first year law. AdviceScene ‘democratizes the law' by providing free legal answers & advice from verified lawyers across the US and Canada in any area of law. Lawyers' answers provide a blog-like feed that improves their online visibility and generates direct leads. Lawyers pay $50/month for their full-page listing on the site, which includes consultation requests from potential clients. Family Matters, AdviceScene's TV show, takes ‘democratizing the law' to television and the web in an entertaining and easy to understand format. Family law is by far the most popular area of law for questions and answers. A show about family law issues is a perfect fit. Justice Harvey Brownstone was one of the very first legal professionals to join AdviceScene in the early days. He's answered 100s of questions so far on the site. He's been our biggest supporter!
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