Non-Profit - N/A, N/A, N/A
Afanite is a Dublin-based organisation that helps non-profits to become more commercially oriented and helps for-profit companies achieve their social goals. Born out of a passion for social enterprise, Afanite has first hand experience of the tremendous impact of effective relationships between the for-profit and non-profit worlds in both Ireland and the US. Afanite's overarching ambition is to connect the for-profit and non-profit worlds in a way that harnesses the interests of parties from all sides. It identifies areas and opportunities for organisations to meet the requirements of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). But it also goes far beyond 'baseline' CSR, and is dedicated to helping organisations maximise their social goals. Afanite and Non-profits By working with non-profits to ensure they are every bit as competitive and ambitious as their for-profit counterparts, Afanite helps non-profits combine social and commercial skills to achieve their social aims. Afanite and For-profits Afanite also draws on its experience of the non-profit world to bring focus to the social activities in for-profit companies. Companies typically want to find a way to give back, but frequently need help to ensure that both the for-profit giver and the non-profit receiver get the most out of the relationship. Afanite's experience includes a deep understanding of best practice as it relates to Social Enterprise, formed through learnings from a network of Irish and US for- and non-profit companies.
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