Government Administration - Kaduna, Kaduna, Nigeria
The Centre exists to bridge the gap in Education Research, Policy and Practice as a tool for African Development. The focus of the Centre is based on: Research, Policy, Practice (RPP) for Development. RESEARCH:The Centre is dedicated to designing and conducting intensive and extensive evaluation, researches, surveys and data analyses. The Centre's findings would be used to inform policy advocacy and program design, strategies and implementation.The Centre is also positioning to offer limited number of Research grants to support selected students of Education in Higher Institutions in Africa researching topics of interest to the Centre's mandate. POLICY:The Centre is positioning to serves as a Forum for Policy dialogue on Education and training in Africa. It is creating a network where Education Policy makers, practitioners and researchers can promote critical conversations, knowledge, skills, experiences and lessons learned, pool ideas; to foster dialogue and become a catalyst for Educational reform in Africa. The Centre has in place, activities that are designed to enhance institutional and technical capacities within Africa by establishing networks for the sharing of information and dissemination of successful strategies and innovations for development in Africa.The Centre uses evidence and data to influence policies in Education and development. PRACTICE:The Centre's programs and projects are driven by data and research for maximum impact. The design and development process takes an inclusive and holistic approach involving all stakeholders including the intended users/beneficiaries, for an impact driven project/program. The Centre employs multi-method qualitative and quantitative strategies to its projects and program monitoring and evaluation.