Non-Profit - Brisbane, Brisbane, AU
QADA is a not-for-profit, independent, community based advocacy service with over 20 years experience in supporting and improving the wellbeing of older people and people with a disability in Queensland. QADA is funded by the State and Commonwealth Governments to provide information, education and support to enable people to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities when receiving an aged care or community care service. QADA's services are free, confidential and client directed. QADA operates state-wide in Queensland with a head office in Brisbane and regional offices in Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba, and the Gold Coast. QADA provides outreach services to rural and remote communities, and has a free-call information line. QADA's general advocacy service has been supporting Queenslanders since 1991. Since 2007 QADA has also provided a guardianship advocacy service, supporting adults with guardianship and administration matters including support at tribunal hearings. QADA's vision is to give vulnerable people a voice through information, education and support.
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