Airlines/aviation - Rubí, Catalonia, Spain
The project was created with the idea of a consortium to address the ATC conflict resolution drawbacks in present and future air traffic. This consortium is an association of three universities and a company expert in aeronautics: - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Cranfield University - Technische Universität Braunschweig - AslogicThe objective of this project is to provide a smooth transition from the trajectory management, separation management to collision avoidance layers throughout operational integration of seamless safety procedures in such a way that aircraft involved in a conflict together with the aircraft in the surrounding traffic behaves as a stable conflict free "ecosystem". Furthermore, during both the trajectory and separation management phases, a highly interoperable framework to support different negotiation processes between aircraft and Air Traffic Control (ATC) will be tested in order to demonstrate the robustness of the "ecosystem" concept.