Professional Training & Coaching - Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Agenzia formativa tuttoEuropa was founded in 1998, with a statute conforming to the requirements of the Regional Laws 63/95 regarding access to European Union funding for professional training courses. It has obtained ISO quality certification 9001:2000 and is accredited by the Regione Piemonte as a professional training centre.The main office in Piedmont is:•Torino: Via delle Rosine, 14 – 011 88 98 70; 011 6596039•Other centres (for language courses only) are open in: ◦Castellamonte (TO): Via Educ 12 – 0124 576122◦Asti: Via De Gasperi 2 – 0141 185 5900◦Casale Monferrato (AL): Via Eccettuato 7/B – 0142 69 61 22TAUGHT COURSES OFFEREDThe taught courses offered are in foreign languages and communication and are divided into the following two categories:Vocational Training Courses:•POST GRADUATE COURSE (Editorial Translation):Highly specialized courses for the translation of Literature. Candidates must have completed a five year degree or equivalent.•POSTGRADUATE DIPLOMA (Interpretation And/Or Specialized Translation)The courses provide professional and effective graduate training. Candidates must have completed a three year degree or equivalent.•POST-SECONDARY SCHOOL COURSES ( Languages for International Business)The courses provide a valid alternative to university level education. For school leavers with secondary school diploma.Courses of continuing education for workers•Foreign languages and computer studiesIntended for workers. Languages taught are English and Spanish.
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