Environmental Services - Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Founded by Pradip Burman, Alternative Green Energy Solution (AGES) is a company dedicated solely to provide Hydroponic Green Feed throughout the year in our work towards sustainable energy.The word hydroponics comes from two Greek words, "hydro" meaning water and "ponics" meaning labour. Plants require 3 things to flourish - Water, nutrients and sunlight, and Hydroponics is a straightforward way of providing all these nutrients without the need of soil under controlled conditions to optimize growth. Today, hydroponics are used in harsh climates, such as deserts, areas with poor soil quality or in urban areas where high land costs have driven out traditional agriculture. Hydroponic fodder production is probably best-suited to semi-arid, arid, and drought-prone regions of the world suffering from chronic water shortages or in areas where irrigation infrastructure simply does not exist. Hydroponic fodder production is a boon for farmers whose soil is rocky and infertile. It is a viable farmer-friendly alternative technology for landless farmers and fodder production. Fodders including maize, barley, oats, sorghum, rye, alfalfa and triticale can be easily produced by hydroponics.- Our MissionTo be a leader in providing cost-effective solutions though hydroponics technology for production of quality feed & food- Our VisionSustainable cultivation of Hydroponics Green Feed and Food for livestock and human beings respectively, using traditional knowledge and modern research.