Government - St. Albert, Alberta, CA
Director, Information Management, Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission
Vice President Corporate Strategic Services and Chief Risk Officer
Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis (AGLC) provides choices Albertan’s can trust in gaming and liquor that generate benefits for all Albertans. We are driven to provide industry leading options to our customers in a socially responsible manner that benefits all Albertans. Our core business functions are liquor, gaming, compliance and social responsibility as established through the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act, the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Regulation, and the Criminal Code of Canada. We are focused on ensuring gaming and liquor activities in Alberta are conducted honestly, openly and with integrity, and that we are able to maximize the economic benefits these activities provide to all Albertans. The AGLC is a forward focused organization. We strive to deliver our services to Albertans efficiently and effectively and are always interested in having the best people join us. From computer techs, to inspectors, licensing agents, financial experts and more our workforce is diverse, talented and results oriented. If we sound like an organization that you’d like to work with check out our career listings for current opportunities.
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