Mechanical or Industrial Engineering - Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
AGNI INDUSTRIAL FIRE SERVICES LTD is in the field of fire Fighting and services Business from last 23 years.AIFSL was incorporated in the year 1991 and the Board of director was constituted with late sh. S.N Chakraborty. A well known personality in the field of fire safety who cater his life for fire fighting services. AIFSL backed by a Team of High experienced and Qualified Fire Professional and are deployed at different location of India.We have been an established and popular company with an excellent track record for the best customer satisfaction. We have an excellent staffs who will guide you with their best ideas by keeping in constant touch with your companyand informing about the Technology trends and solution as per application for fire safety to the industries.OUR MISSION : WE ARE COMMITED TO SERVE THE NATION BY SAVING LIFE & PROPERTY & TO EMERGE OUT AS MARKET LEADER NOT IN INDIA BUT ABROAD BY WINNING THE EXISTING CLIENTS CONFIDENCE, EXPENDING OUR CLIENT BASE & MAINTAINING LONG LASTING BUSINESS ASSOCIATION WITH OUR CLIENTS BY CONTINUALLY IMPROVING OUR SERVICE AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION VISION: AS ONE OF THE WORLD'S LEADING COMPANY IN THE FIELD OF FIRE FIGHTINGAGNI INDUSTRIAL FIRE SERVICES LIMITED has been in the field of Fire Vehicles from last 4 years but during this short span we supplied our fire vehicles mostly in all sectors across the country and its honouredto us that customer rely on our technologies and quality. Today AIFS Produce the most technically and advanced Fire vehicles equipped with all latest equipment. We are having a core dedicated R&D Team who always works on new technologies for technologies advancement because of that we offer and build the most complete line of fire vehicles. Our USP is SERVICES by which AGNI INDUSTRIAL FIRE SERVICES LIMITED never Compromise.
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