Management Consulting - , ,
Every vision is as good as its implementation. Innovation is a seed that requires care and protection to develop its full potential. At AgraNext we help our customers to grow through focused strategic planning and innovation management. We help them to allow their ideas and transformational projects come to fruition, by bringing value to every step of the way. Identifying the strategic target, defining the roadmap with the required levers, all the way through to roll-out. Our customers are agri-business and food industry groups, start-ups and investments funds operating in the fields of biological crop protection, green biotech, precision farming, ag-related business, and food & feed transformation industry. Understanding the trends and needs of agricultural markets is our asset, knowing how to make it happen is our experience. AgraNext will support you in shaping new products and positioning them for efficient and effective market introduction. AgraNext identifies growth opportunities for your existing portfolio, options for business diversification, acquisition targets (M&A) and strategic partnerships.AgraNext is resolutely turning towards new and sustainable technologies helping to create a novel agriculture and food production system in respect of ecological, social and economic requirements.