Transportation/trucking/railroad - Potworów, Masovian Voivodeship, Masovian Voivodeship, Poland
Agro-Sklad Sp. z o. o. - International transport and forwarding.Agro-Sklad company exists from 1996. Since then we have grown from small firm possessing 5 truck to large company, which is owner of 54 trucks, trailers and frigo truck. At the moment there is 74 professional drivers and 15 more persons to current maintenance of the office. We are also employing our own mechanic. Agro-Sklad company employs 74 professional drivers. Each of them gained comprehensive experience, have been properly trained to provide appropriate protection of loads, efficient transport and accurate, clearly legible documentation. Many of them have been working with us since the beginning, but we are still employing the new one to pick up the best. Agro-Sklad is present on German, Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish market for almost 12 years. At this time we comprehensively familiarize with the specific of work in this countries and the characteristic of transports in this regions. It allows us to specialize on conveyance in that market. We also decide to create another base of our truck in Padborg, resulted in faster change of our drivers and consistent care and service on our truck.In each of our truck we have GPS systems , what's allows us to monitor all the time track of ours cars. Additionally due to modern navigations we easily avoid all obstacles, works on road or traffic.We are taking special care to our trucks, we want them to be reliable to our demanding needs. That's why we all the time buy new trucks (the oldest one is 2009y, the youngest this year). We invest in trusted brands : MERCEDES, VOLVO and DAF.