Marketing & Advertising - Tirana, Tirana, Albania
NO business can survive without the internet, and the internet is an endless sea. Only skilled sailors help you navigate from coast to coast safely.Work with passionate people who know the waters of effective marketing well and focus on getting customers' messages delivered.Our team is results-driven and easy-to-work-with.Each piece of content we write, Ad we run, logo we design, or website we create is handed for several checks before delivery.Rather than in secret methods, we believe in optimizing everyday processes to bring results.Sounds exciting?! It is not. Most processes are repetitive in themselves, but we have found the key to keep our members motivated (besides the payroll!).Our secret stays in ensuring each department member has the freedom to suggest, work, and learn consistently. Nurturing the childish productivity, we're growing each day relentlessly, together with our partners' revenue.