Program Development - , ,
Ahp-cii-uk is a new way for Aboriginal communities to work with mainstream society to reach their visions. Ahp-cii-uk builds long-term relationships between First Nations, corporations, government, and other organizations to develop community economic and social initiatives at the grass roots.With the help of Ahp-cii-uk partners, Aboriginal communities such as Ahousaht, Tseshaht, and Ehattesaht have created visions and chosen social and economic development initiatives suitable to their long-term goals.Corporate, government and non-profit partners are working as peers with Aboriginal participants; developing relationships, building leadership skills and knowledge of best practices in collaborating with First Nations.Ahp-cii-uk is indeed "going the right way". Accomplishments include, the creation of jobs and business opportunities, development of a tourist destination, training in life and employment skills, and re-vitalization of community pride and spirit. As importantly, partners are learning to work together in a good way, using consensus decision making, where everyone's voice is heard.Ahp-cii-uk was launched by four Initiating Partners, First Nations, Inuit & Aboriginal Health, The BC Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, The Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council and Synergos Institute.Ahp-cii-uk is an initiative for social and economic development in First Nations. Its success provides a model that can be used and adapted throughout Canada.