Human Resources - , ,
Established in 1971, Al-Karim has built up its manpower indexes gradually over a period and has established contacts in all the main cities and towns of Asia , by establishing branch offices in various countries. Staffed by experienced personnel, AI-Karim today is in a commanding position to offer prompt and efficient service to the company's friends abroad.From a pool of nearly 50,000 artisans in Asia, qualified and ready to serve the needs of foreign employers, workers can be sent out in the shortest possible time, say 1.5 to 20 days. AI-Karim is fully equipped to provide the services of the best skilled and un- skilled artisans and professionals of all categories. In addition to mechanical and construction workers, the agency has, for example, supplied personnel to number of companies for their on shore / off shore oil drilling projects as well to number of hotels and hospitals worldwide. Asia has an enormous labour force available and ready to serve anywhere in the world. Personnel include profession- als, qualified technicians, skilled, semi- skilled and un-skilled workers. A vast proportion of today's experienced manpower in Asia have been fully trained in a wide range of trade and industrial occupations. For the past three decades, the emigration of Asian labour has proved of inestimable value to many countries in Europe and Middle East. For these countries, where there is a manpower shortage, AI-Karim Corporation recruits all types and categories of manpower from various sources, for many firms of repute.