Individual & Family Services - Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Firefighters Random Acts is a 501(C)3 charity created by dedicated firefighters from the Albuquerque and Bernalillo County Fire Departments who truly believe that individuals can make a difference in our community. Our purpose is to perform random acts of good in the Albuquerque area. Often, as firefighters respond to calls for help, we observe situations where people need a helping hand or something that will improve their quality of life. We look for opportunities to compassionately meet the needs of people and make a difference through our random acts of kindness.Every year the Albuquerque and Bernalillo County Fire Departments respond to thousands of 911 calls. Many involve a death, the destruction of personal property, or other damage to the fabric of our society. We witness people who are suddenly faced with tests to the very limit of their bravery and endurance, sometimes heroically and sometimes tragically. Over the years we firefighters have found ourselves subjected to some physical and emotional distress in the course of our service, but we continue to respond in a professional way to support our side of society's safety net. We have discovered that one of the greatest ways to combat these stresses is to give something extra back to the communities we serve via random acts of kindness. While Random Acts focuses on empowering firefighters to give back to society beyond their 911 responses there is another major emphasis behind the work we do. Firefighters Random Acts works to aid firefighters through helping combat mental and emotional issues such as PTSD. Although Random Acts predominantly helps children and adults within our community who are experiencing health, financial, and other traumatic injuries the real beneficiaries of the acts of kindness are the firefighters who exchange the harmful and damaging exposures on 911 calls that lead to PTSD and associated emotional issues with positive and restorative memories. When firefighters return to a home and help a family restore their lives after a fire, or the visit the child who has cancer, or build a wheelchair ramp for the retired firefighter who suffered extensive injuries in a motorcycle accident, the wonderful memories created restores and strengthens the firefighter's capacity to cope with the daily assault of experiencing trauma. What Random Acts provides is a very tangible and immediate way to firefighters to express their compassion and in many ways express their pain with those who have suffered. Our hope is that through random acts of kindnesses firefighters can leave the fire service with little or no mental or emotional health issues.