Information Technology & Services - Ulaanbaatar, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Alchemist Technologies LLC Alchemy is the legendary and mythical scientific field that many philosophizers and scientific inventors followed, Isaac Newton is good example of. In 21st century building system that fully satisfies the market is the biggest challenge we face. Most business people do know how to manipulate their work but they really don't know how to make more technological and advanced form. We stand with powerful new platform that can shape many different systems. With help of this system we fulfill the requirements and also give more advantages of the new technology. We have the philosophizer's stone. Алкэмист Техноложис ХХК нь технологийн давуу талыг ашиглан бизнес явуулах системчилсэн, тогтвортой орчинг хөгжүүлэн хөгжилийн шинэ стандартыг бий болгохыг зорьж байна. Компаниуд өөрийн бизнесийн процесст тохирсон ийм орчинтой байснаар үйл ажиллагааныхаа чанарыг дээшлүүлэх боломжтой.
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