Financial Services - New York, New York, United States
Aleph1 Portfolio Construction Inc. provides Robust Portfolio Construction Services and Customized Risk & Asset Allocation Solutions to the Investment Management Industry. Our goal is to help our clients build robust investment solutions, reliable face to market data uncertainties, and robust decision process so they can innovate faster even in a changing environment.We help build better portfolios through robust efficient frontiers combining Fundamental Views and Signals extracted from Market data, whether for enforcing diversification or optimizing risk allocation, and we help build process better ex-ante risk and marginal risk analysis.We believe in Team work and we work in close collaboration with our clients quantitative teams to set up a Portfolio Construction Process that will maximize the collective impact of all players. We offer a Risk and Capital Allocation Software that we customize so as to incorporate easily Market Data with Fundamental Views and Managers Skill in a single decision framework.
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