Other - Preston, MN, US
Through our "K to Gray" approach, providing and promoting lifelong education and learning opportunities for students and professionals, the Algae Foundation seeks to demystify algae by providing unique K-12 STEM education modules to bring algae into the classroom, collegiate level courses to prepare the next generation of bioeconomy professionals, and teacher trainings to enhance the science capabilities of our educators.Algae Foundation Programming includes:- Algae Technology Educational Consortium (ATEC) - Development of community/technical college curriculum for Algae Cultivation and Algae Biotechnology Degrees.- Algae Academy - Development of K-12 STEM curriculum and science kits.- Summer Algae Science Institute (SASI) - In-person training preparing educators to teach the Algae Academy in their classroom.- Algae Cultivation Extension Short-courses (ACES) - Extension technical training curriculum and web-based courses.- Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - Introduction to Algae and Introduction to Microalgae Biotechnology. - Mary Rosenthal Memorial Scholarship Fund - Student scholarships for High School thru Post Doctoral Candidate levels to attend the annual Algae Biomass Organization Summit for industry networking.
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